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Am I Manipulative Quiz

Are You A Puppet Master Or Just A Caring Partner? Take The ‘Am I Manipulative Quiz’!

Generally, influence and manipulation are used interchangeably. But, there is a thin line difference between the two. Is manipulation needed in a relationship? It’s natural to have certain problems in relationships, and it is not possible that the picture remains rosy as the relationship grows. The issues faced in a relationship may emerge out of greed or emotions. But, one typical problem that emerges over time can be manipulation. Let us understand what manipulation is through the ‘Am I manipulative Quiz’ and the red flags to look for. 

Section 1: Understanding Manipulation:

In simple terms, manipulation can be understood as exercising the wrong influence over other people. Manipulation is like an attack on another person’s emotional and mental side to get what you seek. The manipulator always tries to create supremacy and take control of the power, thereby creating an imbalance in the relationship. They attempt to play with other person’s emotions and make them feel in a particular way.

A few common tricks used by manipulators to make the other person feel irrational are emotional manipulation, gaslighting, generalizations, personal attacks, love bombing, and coercive control.

Section 2: The Am I Manipulative Quiz

The ‘Am I Manipulative quiz’ is a self-assessment tool that can be beneficial to evaluate your relationship dynamics. Has anyone ever called you manipulative? Do you lately think of having manipulative tendencies? This quiz can tell you the truth. No one wants to be classified as a manipulative person and be termed as dishonest. Manipulative behavior becomes a habit and can be difficult to correct.

The manipulator quiz brings out the truth and unravels your emotions and feelings to take corrective actions. Taking the quiz can help you determine whether you are genuine or manipulative. The questions asked in the quiz have multiple choices, and you need to select what you feel is true in your case. The most common behavior traits of manipulators, like gaslighting, lying, verbal abuse, guilt-tripping, and emotional manipulation, can be easily highlighted by taking the quiz.

Some common questions in the ‘Am I manipulative quiz’ are mentioned below. All these questions have two choices: Yes and No. Taking the test helps you understand whether you play the role of a manipulator in the relationship or not.

1. Do you often use guilt or manipulation to get your partner to do what you want?

A lot of people adopt guilt as a tool to manipulate. Some even punish themselves as a response to feeling guilty. Emotional manipulators use this vulnerability and play the victim card. They make you feel sympathetic towards them and then do what they want.

2. Have you ever lied or concealed information to control the outcome of a situation?

A manipulator has the tendency to lie, make excuses, hide few facts, blame you, or withhold the truth. They feel empowered and superior by doing so.

3. Are you comfortable with your partner having close friendships or spending time with others without your presence or approval?

The manipulator will never hide their habit behind humor. They will judge, ridicule, and disapprove of their partner’s close friendships or spend time with others without their presence or approval. They will make the partner feel like they are doing something wrong and will always focus on negative aspects and not solutions.

4. Do you frequently make your partner doubt their own feelings or perception of reality?

This is the most common example of emotional manipulation or toxic relationship. Manipulators will make their partners doubt reality and may give a silent treatment by ignoring them.

5. How do you respond when your partner disagrees with you? Are you open to their perspective or dismissive?

Emotional manipulators usually display passive aggression to let their partners know they disagree with their thoughts. They resort to disapproval and a gloomy mood. Manipulators constantly complain about being cheated if their partner disagrees with them.

6. Do you respect your partner’s boundaries and consent, even if it means compromising your own desires?

Manipulators are insecure by nature and will never respect the consent or desires of their partners. For them, their desires and needs are of foremost importance.

7. Are you able to genuinely apologize and take responsibility for your mistakes?

Manipulators run away from taking responsibility and owning up to their mistakes. They do not believe in apologizing if they make a mistake; in fact, they will make the other person feel guilty.

8. Do you often use manipulation tactics such as passive-aggressiveness or silent treatment during conflicts?

A manipulator resorts to passive aggression or a silent treatment to find indirect ways to undermine their partner and express their anger.

9. Do you tend to prioritize your own needs and desires over your partner’s in most situations?

This is never the case with manipulators. They prioritize their needs and wants over anything else and will not compromise in any situation.

10. Are you open to feedback and constructive criticism, or do you become defensive and dismissive?

Manipulators often twist the truth and are not open to constructive criticism or feedback. They are defensive in behavior and always try to blame the other person.

If most answers to the above questions are a YES, then the person is undoubtedly a manipulator and needs to work on corrective actions.  

Section 3: Interpreting the Results and Seeking Growth Possible Results

Manipulation is hard to admit and identify. You must try to reduce the emotional impact and set boundaries in your relationship through clear and direct communication, understand each other’s perspective, and make dedicated efforts to change your behavior.


Manipulation influences others in a relationship to do what you want them to do. It is like getting entire control of their behavior and decisions. Taking the quiz can highlight this habit in detail. Take proactive steps towards personal growth and reduce the habit of manipulation.

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