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10 Common Reasons For Divorce
The term marriage means the oneness of two souls. This lifelong bond begins with virtues of faithfulness, devotion, dedication, and equal sharing of duties, responsibilities, and pressures. This relationship allows growing old together without any selfish interest.
A beautiful life ahead where you grow as a family is not just a physical union but an eternal emotional bond to strengthen your relationship.
It is a bond where the partners sail through the life challenges together. You grow your family and raise the kids as your reflection. Pure love and commitment leads to joy and a feeling of contentment.
Though the characters and habits of partners differ, there is perfection in these odds. No wonder there are times of disagreements and failures, but these make the bond even stronger.
Even after we all know that this relationship needs to be a ‘happily ever after,’ some culprits split apart our perfect marital bliss and result in a dying marriage.
Ten Common Reasons For Divorce
1. When You Are Together For The Wrong Reason
There are occasions when people marry due to societal or family pressures or just for money. The two people may be poles apart, but their parents set them up to get married.
This results in dissatisfaction and unnecessary pressure to stay with each other. There is a breakout at some point that leads to parting ways.
2. Lack Of Equality
There may be a scenario where one person is over-dependent on the partner. The relationship lacks individuality, and you feel torn inside. There is a possibility that one partner overpowers you with their choice of vacation, music, movies, food, and outings, and you feel a lot of pressure to stay in your own identity.
The world may see you as a happily married couple, but inside, you don’t feel comfortable staying together.
3. Overburdened With Household Work
Before marriage, you tend to enjoy, party hard, and spend a lot of time together and with friends, but after marriage, the attention gets diverted to household chores and raising the children. Couples forget that they need to strengthen the relationship.
When the kids grow up and settle, you realize that you have no charm left in the marriage.
4. No Shared Vision
As partners for life, if you feel that the two of you are poles apart and things have gone down the hill, then this leads to the start of discomfort. You start to indulge in frequent disagreements, do not wish to share responsibilities, and do not wish to adjust, adapt, or change.
There is absolutely zero shared vision to grow old together, which leads to more frustration and regular fights.
5. Lack Of Intimacy
This is one of the most important parts of marriage. The idea of romance is not the same for both genders. Physical intimacy might not be the only requirement to strengthen the relationship, but it is one of the key factors to keep sailing through.
Emotional compatibility is also very important, but men need sexual compatibility to stay romantic, while women need numerous different ways to make her feel special and wanted. Whenever there is a rift, it leads to dissatisfaction and drifts you apart.
6. Higher Expectations From Each Other
Expecting things from your better halves is quite natural, but if you start expecting too much and the wishes are not fulfilled, it will lead to unhappiness, nagging, criticism, and holding each other responsible for a dying marriage.
Both need to change according to the situation to reduce such disagreements.
7. Money Is Important
Even though the couple might not have handsome earnings, you find happiness by being together. The problem starts if the two are not compatible in the financial matters. One person may doubt the capabilities of the partner in handling finances.
8. Small Gestures Of Togetherness
As mentioned earlier, sexual compatibility is much needed for a successful marriage, but just a few gestures like a hug, a kiss on the forehead, or a simple smile also works wonders. Holding hands while driving or leaning on the shoulder gives satisfaction.
These actions play an equal role in keeping you satisfied as a couple. When you are missing these parts, you drift apart.
9. Continuous Nagging
Though marriage is like one soul and two bodies, continuous nagging is of no use. Me-time is essential to grow as individuals and give you the time to reflect on your actions.
Any couple who lacks this will face a lot of dissatisfaction.
10. Increasing Conflicts And No Solution
Every couple has disagreements, but there must always be respect for each other’s views. The bottom line in any relationship is proper communication. Every couple has disagreements, financial issues, commitment issues, but open communication can sort all this.
In the absence of open dialogue, there arises a drift, resulting in a divorce.
Divorce is painful even if both the partners want it. You may seek divorce officially, but emotionally it takes a toll on your personality. You need to think and reach a solution to rekindle the relationship. It would be best to analyze aspects like your happiness, your kid’s life, and your stability. All said and done, there cannot be a right or wrong in such a situation as the couple is the best judge of their lives.